Last year, the shared bicycle industry began a fierce competition, and many companies began to accelerate the pace of expansion and launch their own shared bicycles to more and more cities. On the eve of the opening of CES 2018, Caen Contee, vice president of LimeBike, the largest non-pronged shared bicycle company in the United States, pointed out in an interview that the cost of launching shared bicycles in China is too low, so major companies have begun to compete on the volume, but at the same time This also makes it difficult for sharing bike companies to make money. He pointed out that China’s shared bicycle companies do not need to negotiate with the government on sharing bicycles, so the number in China is more than the number, and it is difficult for cycling companies to make money. The largest pileless bicycle sharing company in the United States: It is difficult to make money by sharing bicycles in China. However, in the United States, the government will specify the number of shared bicycles and suppliers that cities will put in, so companies and governments will impose some restrictions in the process of setting contracts. As a result, American shared bicycle companies can profit from each ride. In fact, this statement is not unreasonable. Because the speed of expansion is too fast and bicycle companies are unable to benefit from daily operations, many of China's shared bicycle companies have begun to demand financing, and some small shared-cycling companies have failed to raise funds. At the end of last year, many shared bicycle companies have withdrawn from the historical stage, which is thought-provoking. The 51st International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2018 will soon be held in Las Vegas, January 9-12, US time. CES is the world's largest and most influential consumer electronics annual exhibition and the world’s largest consumer technology event. The team has already set off at the beginning of January, and will bring you first-hand information during the CES show. Pay attention to more CES related information and click on the topics below to learn more. 》Click to enter the YORK network 2018CES International Consumer Electronics Show report topics SHENZHEN CHONDEKUAI TECHNOLOGY CO.LTD ,