Tencent Digital (Wang Yang) September 27th, again at the Beijing National Convention Center, Xiaomi held a 2016 autumn new product conference, officially launched a 65-inch millet TV 3s, millet phone 5s and 5s Plus. Var related_video_info = { vid: 'b0021t2y1ky', cid: 'jsliom0753obgjo', url: 'http://v.qq.com/page/b/k/y/b0021t2y1ky.html', pic: 'http://vpic .video.qq.com/31380934/b0021t2y1ky_ori_1.jpg', title: 'The Xiaomi 2016 Autumn New Product Launch Event' };.rv-root-v2{font-family:"\5FAE\8F6F\96C5\9ED1" ,sans-serif;color:000}.rv-root-v2 a{text-decoration:none;color:000}.rv-root-v2 h1,.rv-root-v2 h2,.rv-root-v2 h3 ,.rv-root-v2 ol,.rv-root-v2 p,.rv-root-v2 ul{display:block;padding:0;margin:0}.rv-root-v2 img{border:0}. Rv-root-v2 .rv-cf:after,.rv-root-v2 .rv-cf:before{content:" ";display:table}.rv-root-v2 .rv-cf:after{clear:both }.rv-root-v2 .rv-cf{zoom:1}.rv-root-v2 .rv-top{height:40px;line-height:40px;background-color:f3f3f3}.rv-root-v2 . 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Rv-playlist .rv-playlist-wrap .rv-playlist-scroller ol.rv-playlist-list li a.current div span{color:ff6d1a}.rv-root-v2 .rv-middle .rv-playlist .rv- Playlist-wrap .rv-playlist-scroller ol.rv-playlist-list li a:hover{background:252525}.rv-root-v2 .rv-middle .rv-playlist .rv-playlist-wrap .rv-playlist- Scroller ol.rv-playlist-list li a:hover div span{height:36px}@media only screen and (min-width:1260px){.rv-adjust-wide-article{width:895px;margin-left:- 97px}} In the first half of this year, millet 5 conference, Xiaomi had claimed that his flagship mobile phone has ten "black technology", such as 4-axis image stabilization, bright black 3D ceramics, full-featured NFC, which made Xiaomi 5 in a hot state of public opinion. in. As a small reform of the millet 5s, in addition to cost-effective talk of money and configuration outside the halo What are the real skills is the highlight of this conference. The picture shows millet 5s In terms of appearance and crafts, millet 5 had two versions of 3D glass and 3D ceramic. This time, Xiaomi 5s introduced a full metal version, including dark gray, silver, rose gold, and gold, and dark gray and gold. Use a high light process. Millet 5s launched a smart dot matrix protection cover. Users can also use the protective cover to operate and display the incoming call, alarm clock and other content. The picture shows millet 5s Millet 5s is equipped with a 5.15-inch 1080P custom high-brightness screen, using 2.5D arc glass design, Lei Jun called this screen to apply for dozens of patents, brightness of 600nit, in the sun with a more transparent and vivid display, and support Eye protection mode. In addition millet 5s high version also supports pressure-sensitive screen technology. As the most flagship model of millet, Xiaomi 5s is equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 processor with no suspense, supplemented by 3GB/4GB of memory + 64GB/128GB of storage space, and the network supports 4G+ network. Like previous routines, Lei Jun still said that Xiaomi 5s also has 2 big black technologies. The first is the fingerprint. At present, many mobile phones use pre-capacitive fingerprint keys. However, Lei Jun believes that this design is not only easy to damage, but there are still color differences. This millet 5s uses a non-porous ultrasonic fingerprinting technology that scans fingerprints directly through the glass with ultrasound. In this way, it is not possible to make holes in the glass. Of course, in order to make the finger more accurately positioned, the millet 5s fingerprint area is still designed as a groove pattern. It is reported that this technology was developed in October 2014, which lasted for seven or eight months and introduced the first generation of engineering machines. However, due to the immature technology, it did not appear on Xiaomi 5. Two years later, the non-porous fingerprinting technology was brought up again, and the problem of large power consumption and inadvertent touching of this technology was solved. As for how this fingerprinting effect, we also need to know in the detailed evaluation later. Another black technology is taking pictures. Due to the size of the phone itself, the size of the sensor is actually limited. Under the premise that the hardware level is not much different, the mobile phone manufacturers are more likely to compete in the later period. Before talking about configuration parameters, Lei Jun used a large number of proofs to illustrate and compare the shooting effect of Xiaomi 5s, but chose the opponent is 6s Plus and S7 edge. (iPhone 7 is not satisfied) Millet 5s uses an ultra-light camera, meaning that the larger the photosensitive element, the size of 1/2.3 inch 1200W pixel Sony IMX378 lens, is basically equivalent to digital card camera on the market. The sensor size area is 59% larger than the 1/2.8 inch 6s Plus. In addition to Xiaomi 5s, Lei Jun also released a 5.7-inch millet 5s Plus. Body weight is 168 grams. The color is consistent with millet 5s. However, the fingerprint design is on the back of the fuselage. At the same time using a dual 1300W pixel color + black and white dual lens, does not protrude from the surface of the fuselage, two cameras can simultaneously imaging synthesis. At the same time equipped with Xiao Long 821 processor, supplemented by 4GB/6GB memory +64GB/128GB storage, support 4G + network. The picture shows millet 5s Plus The final 64GB version millet 5s sells for 1999 yuan; 128GB millet 5s sells for 2299 yuan. 4GB memory +64GB storage version millet 5s Plus price of 2299 yuan; 6GB memory +128GB storage version millet 5s Plus price of 2599 yuan. September 29th in the millet mall and millet home open to buy. The picture shows millet 5s Plus Lei Jun also said that although Xiaomi started off by relying on e-commerce, its biggest problem is that users cannot experience products. This is why millet has to transform its retail stores. At present, Xiaomizhijia’s flagship store has opened 25 stores across the country. Xiaomi’s goal is to open 1,000 retail stores in 3-4 years. At present, Xiaomi’s payment supports 21 banks and Xiaomi Bus supports 6 provinces and cities, while fingerprint payment currently only supports Alipay households. .wxdigi { padding:20px 0; border-top: 1px dotted DBDBDB; } .wxdigi dt { display:inline; float:center; margin-right:17px; } .wxdigi dd strong { display:inline-block; padding-top :0px; color:414141; font-size:14px; } .wxdigi dd { font-size:14px; color:606060; } Vertical Mount D-Sub Connectors
Antenk Standard D-Sub Series Including: wire wrap vertical board mount d-sub connectors, high profile vertical board mount d-sub connectors, low profile vertical board mount d-sub connectors, dip solder and press fit vertical board mount d-sub connectors ShenZhen Antenk Electronics Co,Ltd , https://www.antenk.com ",n+="
Standard Straight D-Sub Connectors Stamped Contacts
Standard High Profile D-Sub Machined Contacts
Standard Wire Wrap D-Sub Connectors Machined Contacts
Standard Straight D-Sub Connectors Machined Contacts
Standard Dip Solder D-Sub Connector Straight Machined Economy
Standard Density Vertical Low Profile D-Sub Connectors
Standard Density Press Fit D-Sub Connectors
Antenk's Vertical D-Sub Connectors Options
Number of Rows
Shell Size
Mounting Style
Features of Antenk's Vertical D-Sub Standard Connectors
Available in 5 industry sizes/positions
Standard Density (9 pin, 15 pin, 25 pin, 37 pin, 50 pin).
Low cost & high performance, non-removable stamped contacts.
Nickel shells have indents to provide grounding and additional retention.
Optional mounting d-sub hardware available.
Materials of Antenk's Vertical D-Sub Standard Connectors
Shell: Steel, nickel plated
Insulator: Glass-filled thermoplastic. U.L. rated 94V-O
(260°C process temp)
Stamped contacts:
Male pins - Brass | Female pins - Phosphor bronze
Plating: Gold flash on entire contact
(contact factory for other plating options)
Antenk Vertical High Density D-Sub Series Including:
Dip Solder High Density D-Sub Connectors Stamped Contacts
Vertical Solder High Density D-Sub Connectors Machined
High Density D-Sub Vertical Low Profile Stamped Contacts
High Density D-Sub Vertical Low Profile Machined Contacts
High Density D-Sub Vertical High Profile Stamped Contacts
Features of Antenk's Vertical D-Sub High Density Connectors
High Profile d-subs available in Standard Density: (15 pin, 26 pin)
Stamped contacts for lower cost.
Available in receptacle (female).
Metal shell provide EMI/RFI shielding.
High profile design allows placement of other components on PCB.
Available with various hardware options.
Materials of Antenk's Vertical D-Sub High Density Connectors
Shell: Steel, nickel plated
Insulator: Thermoplastic polyester, chemical resistant, black UL 94V-O (230°C process temp)
Contacts: Female pins - Phosphor bronze
Plating: Gold flash over nickel (mating area) | Tin over nickel (solder tails)
Millet 5s released: Ultrasonic Fingerprinting starts at RMB 1999
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