The triode, the full name should be a semiconductor triode, also known as a bipolar transistor, a crystal triode, is a semiconductor device that controls current. Its function is to amplify the weak signal into an electrical signal with a large amplitude value, and also as a non-contact switch. Small Signal Transistor,Digital Transistor,Darlington Transistor,Power Transistor Dongguan Agertech Technology Co., Ltd. ,
Yiguang said that the company recently filed an invalid trial request with the Japanese Patent Office for the JP3503139 patent held by Nichia, and the Japan Patent Office also made an invalid review of the patent JP3503139 on May 8. The main request item 1 of the patent JP3503139 is invalid, and Everlight is deeply gratified and gratified by this judgment.
Transistor is one of the basic components of semiconductors, with current amplification, is the core component of electronic circuits. The triode is made up of two closely spaced PN junctions on a semiconductor substrate. The two PN junctions divide the monolithic semiconductor into three parts, the middle part is the base area, and the two sides are the emitter area and the collector area, and the arrangement is PNP. And NPN two.
Nichia LED patent invalidated Yiguang in Japan wins v. Nichia
Taiwan’s Everlight Electronics released a press release on May 24, saying that the company’s YAG white LED patent (JP3503139) held by the Japan Patent Office (Intellectual Property Bureau) on May 8 was invalidated and won the first time in Japan. Nichia.