Computer headphones are often used on computer, mainly for call, translation and live broadcast. Most of Compute Headset are with a microphone. Usually there are 2 kinds of plugs or jacks.
One is USB plug, which can be used on both laptop and desktop PC. Another is for 2 3.5mm jacks, which can only be used on desktop PC. There will be a small logo next to the two jacks of the desktop computer. The green circle shape is prepared for the headphone, while the pink microphone mark is for the microphone plug.
Computer Headset,Studio Headphones,Computer Headphones,Computer Headphones With Mic Shenzhen Linx Technology Co., Ltd. ,
The device is used between the input jack of the amateur transmitter and the microphone to maintain bandpass response limits between 200 and 3100 Hz. The circuit also provides volumetric compression measurements to improve transmission efficiency. Construction and adjustment details emphasize the importance of eliminating ground loops and RF feedback.