The long-awaited greatness is about to become a reality. Recently, Great Wall Development officially signed a contract with Taiwanese company and Mitsui to establish a joint venture LED company. China Electronics Group took the lead, Great Wall Development and Taiwan wafer, TPV and Mitsui Japan to establish a joint venture company for the production of LED epitaxial wafers and LED chips, the main customer is TPV, supporting the backlight of TPV. China will hold shares. Great Wall development accounted for 45%, Taiwan wafers 20%-30%, and the rest were held by TPV and Mitsui. It is initially estimated that the investment will be carried out in two phases. It is said that the first phase of the Great Wall Development will contribute 2.5 billion yuan. background: On April 22, Mitsui & Co., Ltd. has purchased 235 million shares of TPV Technology through Morgan Stanley Asia Limited for HK$1.22 billion, accounting for 15.05% of the issued shares of TPV, becoming the second largest shareholder of TPV Technology. The ratio is second only to 15.79% of China Great Wall Hong Kong Company. And Great Wall Computer, which belongs to China Electronic Information Group and Great Wall Development, owns 27% of TPV Technology and is the largest shareholder.