Synopsis: In a Super Platinum Academy, it was established by the four major families to train outstanding descendants. Therefore, the status of the F4 Daomingsi, Hanazawa, Ximen and Meizuo after the four families can be imagined in the school. Knowing that, from kindergartens, elementary schools, high schools, and universities, no one in the school dares to fight against the four domineering boys of F4 until her appearance, which has disturbed this seemingly well-controlled situation. She, an ordinary woman of Makino Sugi, came here with her parents' dream of flying her on the branch to become a phoenix. She was irritated by her friend Li Zhen and frightened at the Taoist Temple headed by the F4.... Recommend that everyone download the sofa butler to watch "Meteor Garden 1" on the smart TV or TV box. You can watch the podcast application such as "Pudding Video", "IQiyi TV Version" and other video on demand applications for free on the smart TV or TV box. The sofa butler can help the user to search for "Meteor Garden 1" for free by accurate search, high-speed download and cloud management in the massive video app. Sofa butler installation address: Fiber Optic Cabinet,Fiber Cabinet,Fiber Distribution Cabinet,Outdoor Fiber Cabinet Cixi Dani Plastic Products Co.,Ltd ,