The ARM7Thumb family of processors is a family of high performance, low power 32-bit RISC processors that combine the Thumb16-bit reduced instruction set. The superior code efficiency achieved by Thumb means that the reduction in memory capacity requirements makes it possible to achieve high performance with 32-bit memory using 16-bit wide memory. All ARM7Thumb series processors are designed for larger chip designs, support AMBA on-chip system bus, various peripherals and a large number of software development tools, test boards, simulation models, simulation tools. All members of the family include ARM's EmbeddeDICEJTAG software debug logic. Using ARM's software development kit and MulTI-ICE interface, EmbeddedICE logic allows source-level debugging, code downloads, and data breakpoints, which are still valid when the ARM processor is integrated into the large chip. The ARM7Thumb family includes ARM7TDMI and ARM7TDMI-S processor cores and processor macrocells with caches such as ARM710T, ARM720T and ARM740T. All of these are in a very compact design, such as a 0.25 micron CMOS process, and the ARM7TDMI only accounts for 1mm2. The cached processor macro unit provides a high performance processor with 8K byte cache, write buffering, and management control. The ARM710T also supports virtual memory to support the EPOC32 operating system like Linux and Symbian. The ARM720T is a superset of the ARM710T that supports Windows CE. ARM7Thumb series feature components ARM32-bit RISC processor performance Thumb instruction set reduces system overhead Extensive ARM and third party support Compatible with ARM9Thumb series ARM10Thumb series and StrongARM processor 32-bit addressing space - 4GB linear address space 32x8 DSP multiplier 32-bit register area and ALU 32-bitbarrelshifter The ARM7TDMI core poses severe challenges to the performance limits of 8- and 16-bit CISC controllers due to power-critical embedded control applications such as cellular phones, disk drives, modems, and pagers. Designers need a capability A processor that achieves 32-bit performance and addressing space without the corresponding traditional 32-bit system overhead. The ARM7TDMI 32-bit RISC processor core combined with the Thumb instruction set satisfies this requirement. The ARMRISC architecture is low power, small size and high performance for portable, embedded and multimedia applications. Thumb better handles the code size issues common to RISC processors. System designers can take advantage of the high performance and large addressing range offered by 32-bit RISC cores. This allows application development to increase functionality and performance while maintaining competitive system overhead and power consumption. Air conditioning heating: After turning on the heating function, the high-temperature coolant in the engine will flow through the heating water tank. At this time, the air blown by the blower will also pass through the heating water tank, so that the air outlet of the air conditioner can blow warm air. Refrigeration of car air conditioner: After pressing the ac button, the compressor clutch of the car air conditioner will be engaged. At this time, the engine will drive the compressor to operate. The compressor can continuously compress the refrigerant and deliver the refrigerant to the evaporating box. The refrigerant is evaporating The inside of the box will expand and absorb heat so that the refrigerant can cool the evaporating box. Cross-Flow Fan,Cross Flow Blower,Cross Flow Blower Fan,Cross Flow Cooling Fan Original Electronics Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. ,