The range of switch models comply with UL 61058-1 and CAN/CSA-22.2 No61058-1-05,for the United States and Canada.This series items are all high quality,and sale good.Many colors can be met.Especially,model KR2-11has high ampere,used wildly in the industrial area.
One of them,item KR2-11-201D is our hot sale item:
UL Approved Switch,New UL Approved Switch,UL Approved Micro Switch Ningbo Kara Electronic Co.,Ltd. ,
In 2011, Deyi (Fujian) Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. and Dongguan Qinshang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. successfully cooperated to jointly invest 300 million yuan to build the Fujian Desheng Qinshang LED industrialization project, and began construction in May of that year. Deyi (Fujian) Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. plans to build the LED industrialization project of Fujian Deyiqin in 5 years, making it one of the largest high-power LED packaging and application product production bases in Haixi.
In order to expand the market space and share of LED lighting products, Desheng Optoelectronics and Dongguan Qinshang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. actively seek cooperation. “Dongguan Qinshang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. is the largest production base of high-power semiconductor lighting products in Asia. This cooperation will not only drive the development of Desheng itself, but also build a photovoltaic industry in the local area. Platform, the development space of enterprises is even greater.
The second phase of the project, the high-power LED production project on Jianqin settled in Fujian
Desheng Qinshang Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.'s high-power LED production project is currently under intense construction in Yongding Industrial Park, Fujian. The first phase of the project was completed last year. The second phase of the project is currently under construction. After completion, the total number of LED lighting assembly lines will reach 9.