Autopilot and wearable market power sensor development

The “smart” tide is moving towards a growing trend, from smartphones, smart homes, autopilots to the Internet of Things... all of which are sensor consumers. Automated driving and smart wearables are undoubtedly the two most popular markets this year. These two types of applications have a natural high demand for sensors, driving the strong growth of the entire sensor market. In the automotive market that is evolving toward autonomous driving, intelligent, electronic, and interconnected are always the focus of improvement. More and more intelligent vehicles require information such as vehicle operating conditions, driving control status, vehicle control conditions, operating environment, abnormal conditions, etc., which are mostly obtained through sensors. As an important source of information for automotive electronic control systems, automotive sensors are widely used in automotive engine management, power drive and safety and comfort systems. The number and level of sensors also determine the level of modern automotive control systems. It is the "probe" of the electronic control system. The more it is used, the more comprehensive the electronicization of the car and the higher the degree of automation. The sensor usage in each car is increasing with the development of the car manufacturing level.

Autopilot and wearable market power sensor development

The more automated the car, the more sensors you use.

As the degree of electrification of automotive systems becomes higher and higher, the realization of various functions in the car is increasingly dependent on semiconductor technology, and the cooperation between OEMs and semiconductor manufacturers is also closer. "The fast-growing automotive semiconductor market is driving greater demand for automotive sensors. On average, today, every car uses 20 magnetic and low-voltage sensors. Four of them are supplied by Infineon. In the EPS market, Infineon also holds about one-third of the market share, topping the list. As a strong automotive electronics partner, Infineon supplies more than 1 million sensors per day to the automotive electronics market." Vice President of Infineon Technologies AG Ralf Bornefeld, General Manager, Sensing and Control Business Unit, Automotive Electronics Division, stressed that “Infineon has 40 years of experience in sensor design and production and has the most extensive portfolio of magnetic sensors on the market. We are committed to Sensor innovation in powertrain, safety and body applications continues to drive the automotive industry toward energy conservation, environmental protection, intelligence and safety."

Cleaning: discharge standards

“In terms of cleanliness, the United States, China, the European Union, Japan and other regions have increasingly stricter vehicle emissions targets, and sensors are indispensable for vehicle emissions compliance,” Bornefeld said. “Reducing fuel consumption and now, in the future. Exhaust emissions will always drive the development and innovation of the automotive industry. The prerequisite for achieving these goals is that at least part of the electrification of the powertrain must be realized, which is where Infineon plays. We see two major trends now. Improve the efficiency of traditional internal combustion engines through electronic power steering, tire pressure monitoring (TPMS), start-stop technology and advanced gearboxes. On the other hand, through traditional systems such as main and auxiliary inverters, car chargers, battery management systems, etc. The electrification is achieved."

For example, electronic power steering is achieved by an angle sensor and a linear Hall sensor, which triggers the start-up only during operation. Unlike conventional hydraulic steering, efficiency and safety are improved to effectively reduce fuel consumption. Another example is TPMS, which not only sends a warning to the driver that the tire pressure is insufficient, helps improve the safety of the car, but also helps to improve energy efficiency. Because the tire is not fully inflated, the car consumes more energy and the tire is more wearable.

Safety: reliable system

Safety has always been a topic of concern for the automotive industry and its demand continues to increase. For example, today's security systems must be highly reliable and comply with an ever-increasing number of relevant ISO standards, and car interconnects also increase the risk of hacking from externally accessed vehicles. “Whether it’s functional safety for driving or personal privacy, it’s all the more important with the advent of car networking and autonomous driving. A component failure can cause a car to crash,” Bornefeld points out. “The sensor is car-safe. Key components require reliability, high availability, functional safety and network security. In this regard, in response to these needs, Infineon offers four types of solutions: safety sensing, safety calculation, safe start-up and safe power supply. For example, the new dual LUO chip sensor package integrates two linear Hall sensors or two angle sensors. Both sensors have separate power supplies and separate signal outputs. The electrical isolation technology is used to realize the electrical independence of the two. Both sensors work independently, increasing system reliability. These smaller, cheaper magnets eliminate the need for fine-tuning of the magnetic field, reducing system cost.

Intelligence: Autopilot

Automated driving is undoubtedly the ultimate goal of car development, from the current advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) to highly automated driving, to the final automatic driving, the degree of automation continues to increase. According to Ralf Bornefeld, "The demand for driving safety and operational comfort in the automotive industry is on the rise. According to Strategy AnalyTIcs, the number of radar driver assistance systems installed worldwide will increase from the current 14 million to more than 40 million by 2020. The blind spot detection system plays a key role in it. Infineon has launched a 77GHz radar system solution for ADAS, which is used in Google's self-driving cars.” He pointed out that the 77GHz automotive radar system has broad prospects and its huge The advantages are high precision and excellent scalability from short to long distances, with the disadvantage of higher technical complexity.

Static Var Generator Cabinet

Static var generator cabinet takes DSP as the core, connects the self-changing bridge circuit in parallel with the power grid through the reactor, adopts the real-time data acquisition technology and dynamic tracking technology to detect the grid voltage and current information, and calculates the grid voltage and current through the internal DSP calculation. After that, the reactive power component of the load current is extracted, and then the PWM signal is driven to drive the IGBT, and the three-level topology circuit is controlled according to the reactive current to generate a reactive current that meets the requirements, so as to achieve the purpose of reactive power compensation.

Static Var Generator Cabinet,Power Factor Correction Cabinet,Pfc Free Stand Cabinet,Static Var Generator Svg Cabinet

Jiangsu Sfere Electric Co., Ltd ,