YouTube to Launch Game Subsite for 25,000 Game Buildings

YouTube, a Google video sharing site, recently announced that it will launch a dedicated YouTube Gaming and mobile application this summer. YouTube Gaming provides players with game video, live streaming and community features that will initially land in the United States and the United Kingdom.

YouTube’s official promise is that YouTube games will exceed the number of videos on any other site, and more than 25,000 games will have their own area. “Today, the game world is becoming more diversified than in the past. Players have created new forms of content that make the game more collaborative and interactive,” said Alan Joyce, product manager. "On YouTube, games have spawned many new video types, including Let's Play commentary videos, video games, and more. Now, we want to introduce special services to players. "This move by YouTube is interpreted as a challenge to the world's number one game." The video streaming live web site Twitch, which was acquired by Amazon for $970 million in 2014.

As of the end of 2014, Twitch's monthly average subscribers exceeded 100 million. According to online video industry website Tubefilter and market research company OpenSlate, in May 2015, YouTube’s top 100 game video channels attracted nearly 6 billion views. . Interestingly, after YouTube announced that it would launch a dedicated gaming site, Twitch responded via social media Twitter: "Welcome to YouTube Gaming on Player 2, please add me on Google+."

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