BesTV released its 2015 overall plan

Recently, information of BesTV's 2015 first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders showed that the company’s full Chinese name changed from “BesTV New Media Co., Ltd.” to “Shanghai Oriental Pearl New Media Co., Ltd.” The registered capital was changed from “RMB111,37,360,075” to “ The total number of shares of the company was changed from "1,113,736,075 shares" to "2,626,538,616 shares." In 2015, the company's consolidated budget operating income was 19.033 billion yuan, an increase of 22.1% year-on-year; consolidated net profit attributable to the parent company was 2.747 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.9%.
In June 2015, BesTV was expected to complete the absorption and consolidation group to build a new listed company, and build an internet media ecosystem based on the strategic goal of “building a new type of internet media group with the most market value, communication, credibility, and influence”. The company's core competitiveness.

In 2015, it will speed up the development of the Internet+ business model and increase the proportion of the company's emerging industries; continue to adhere to the “go global” strategy, implement the project-led development strategy, and continue to explore new economic growth points through more active project development and accumulation. Enhance the core competitiveness and sustainable development capability of the main industry; do a good job of raising financing and capital management, continuously improve the efficiency of capital use and management efficiency; deepen the tax planning program, strive to obtain a reasonable tax burden; further strengthen the cost control and strengthen the administration The control of sexual expenses.

I. In 2015, BesTV’s overall plan was released

BesTV will do its utmost to build an Internet media ecosystem that includes “content, platforms, channels, and services”, leverage user-scale effects and channel synergies, continue to enhance the company’s core competitiveness, and achieve strategic development goals. In the aspect of content, new listed companies will adhere to the business concept of "content is king". In terms of platforms and channels, new listed companies will integrate channel business units such as IPTV, digital pay TV, Internet TV, and online video. In terms of the service sector, the newly-listed companies will fully integrate online and offline service business including advertising, game entertainment, TV shopping, e-commerce, and cultural tourism. The cloud platform and big data center are Relying on it, we provide users with highly targeted multiple online and offline value-added services, guide users to secondary consumption, and achieve secondary realization of users and traffic. Specifically, we will implement this strategic goal from the following aspects.

1, the traditional advantages of business stability and progress

In 2015, traditional businesses such as corporate cultural tourism, cable television channels and telecommunication channels are tapping inventory resources and inheriting the advantages of the original market. At the same time, they will continue to introduce new and innovative improvements in service content, leveraging the advantages of content and online communication. Promote synergies between online and offline, further consolidate the market's dominant position.

2. New business and transformation business in incubation period

In 2015, cloud-based platforms, big data, Internet TV, game console channels, and video shopping and e-commerce, incubating new businesses and transforming businesses, will continue to integrate internal resources and grasp new technologies on the basis of their respective business expertise. With regard to the development context, the timing of the selection of business opportunities must be forward-looking and long-term in order to improve overall competitiveness and achieve sustainable development.

3. Expand asset management scale and enhance company brand

In 2015, the company will use asset integration as an opportunity to build a good brand publicity and increase its position in the capital market while expanding asset management scale. The key work is to strengthen the research and development, production, integration and distribution of high-quality content, and improve the upstream and downstream product chains of service content; in the business structure of platforms and channels, the company will use Internet TV services as an entry point and rely on cloud platforms to implement platforms and channels. The interconnection and interoperability will build the Internet TV big screen and mobile internet terminal as the mainstream portal of “one cloud and multiple screens”, and guide the transformation and expansion of users in all channels to realize the synergistic effects of various channels; in the service framework of the service sector, the company It will focus on diversifying value-added online and offline value-added services and products, and connect with the media platforms and channels established by the company. It will deepen the needs of users accumulated by the company in the platform and channels, and increase user stickiness while achieving users and traffic. The re-realization will further enhance the company's profitability.

4. Strengthen the management of raised funds and improve the efficiency of capital management

After the funds raised in 2015 were put into place, the company actively and steadily carried out the promotion work of fund-raising projects, strengthened the linkage with domestic investment banks, and enhanced the company's competitiveness in large projects. The combination of centralized fund management, business process reengineering, and management informationization will be done. The cash pool will be used to realize the complementarity of the company's internal and external capitals and meet the needs of project financing. At the same time, through the ordering of investment opportunities and the redistribution of internal funds, the overall investment needs of the company and its subordinate companies will be coordinated, the capital structure will be optimized, the capital cost will be reduced as a whole, and the efficiency of capital management will be improved.

5. Deepen tax planning and rationally reduce corporate tax burden

In 2015, the company continued to actively implement the tax planning program to maximize the preferential taxation and special financial support policies for high-tech industries. While the business scale is growing, the company’s tax burden is reasonably reduced and the company’s shareholders’ equity is strengthened.

6. Strengthen the coordination and control of internal functions to ensure the healthy development of the business

In 2015, the company's functional departments will strengthen collaboration and control, adhere to the people-oriented, mechanism innovation, and supporting reforms, and establish the concept that “human resources are the first resource and only talent is used” to further optimize the allocation of human resources and enhance the maintenance capabilities of operation and maintenance. Support efforts for innovation, enhance the ability to identify, measure, and manage risks, improve risk management and control mechanisms, and ensure the healthy development of businesses.

2. In 2015, BesTV has a budgeted capital investment of 5.734 billion yuan

In 2015, the total budget of the Oriental Pearl investment capital is 5.734 billion yuan, of which the purchase and renewed investment in fixed assets is 854 million yuan, and the new equity investment is 4.80 billion yuan.

1. 348 million yuan investment in the acquisition and replacement of fixed assets

1) The project budget of the all-media cloud platform is to invest 10,800 million yuan;

2) The budget for Internet TV and Internet video projects is 70.2 million yuan;

3) The project budget of the former Oriental Pearl Subsidiary was 531.80 million yuan, which was mainly due to the 78-meter transformation of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and the transformation of the large and small tower equipment, as well as the investment in the Taiyuan Lakeside Plaza comprehensive project (commercial office and commercial and residential);

4) The budget of the Shangshi Film Project is invested 500,000 yuan;

5) The budget for the five-straits transmission will be 200,000 yuan;

6) The budget of Wenguang Interactive invests 33 million yuan, mainly for the purchase of game situation equipment, construction of large and medium-sized resident sites, and high-definition updating of camera equipment;

7) The Eastern Shopping budget has invested 10,500 million yuan, mainly in the HD studio.

2. New equity investment 4.88 billion yuan

1) Increase the production capacity of the film and television drama production project (Shang Shi Film Industry Capital Increase Project) by 500,000 yuan;

2) The copyright online trading platform project (Wuhan Transmission and Capital Increase Project) invested 200 million yuan;

3) The new media shopping platform construction project (Eastern Xijie) invests 295 million yuan;

4) Gehua Cable Supporting Financing Project 30,000 yuan;

5) 40,000 yuan in equity transfer project;

6) Edelsch's capital increase project is 100 million yuan;

7) Chengdu Sobey Investment Project RMB 84.96 million;

8) 300,00 million yuan for other strategic investment projects.

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