Analog monitoring system fades out, IP era is coming

In the past 2014, Hikvision has achieved brilliant results. According to its published results announcement, Hikvision achieved total operating income of 17.233 billion yuan in 2014, a year-on-year increase of 60.37%; total profit of 5.206 billion yuan, an increase of 53.76%; net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 4.672 billion Yuan, a year-on-year increase of 52.37%. However, the achievement of such brilliant achievements is not unrelated to its long-term market insight, deep technical research and development strength, persistent marketing enthusiasm, especially the aggressive style of keeping pace with the times, perseverance and continuous innovation.

Professor of Communication University of China Yang Lei

Yang Lei: graduated from master's degree, master of engineering in communication and electronic systems, professor/dean of the School of Information Engineering, Communication University of China. Has published the "Closed Circuit Television Monitoring System" (May 1999, Mechanical Industry Press) and other monographs, published more than 40 academic papers. Participate in the preparation of national and international technical standards such as the National Standard "Technical Requirements for Security Video Surveillance Digital Video and Video Codec" (GB/T 25724-2010), and host or participate in a number of national or provincial research projects. Participated in the review of dozens of national standards (GB series) and national public safety industry standards (GA series); participated in several years of innovative product review of AMB; participated in the assessment of safe city construction projects and project acceptance in more than 20 cities across the country .

Hikvision promotes the digitalization and network development of the security industry

Recalling the end of the last century, the security industry is still in the stage of the development of analog video surveillance, Hikvision has not yet been born, the former Kang Yin Company (which can be said to be the predecessor of Hikvision) holds a few Kangyin video compression board to find me evaluation, and at the time there is another Beijing company under the Chinese Academy of Sciences also took the newly developed Galaxy card to find me evaluation, the result is difficult to distinguish. However, I did not expect that in the near future, Hikvision was formally established in Hangzhou, and its DS-4000M digital video compression board and board-based DS-8000 DVR were the main products in the security industry. H.264 compressed DS-4000H board, China's security industry has also sounded the horn of digital security since then. Although the domestic security market at that time once used the DVR based on the Korean manufacturer's M-JPEG compression board as the mainstream of digital security applications, in a short period of one or two years, it gradually evolved to be regarded as the leader of Hikvision. The whole industry (even including non-security industry) widely adopts the new situation of Hikvision video cards. By 2006, Hikvision began to introduce DVR/DVS and IP cameras based on the DaVinci media processor, and in the security industry, "the high-inciding firewood is high," China's security began to enter the digital security era. . We can see that Hikvision plays an extremely important role in the development of digitalization, high definition and network in the security industry.

Urban surveillance alarm networking system enters the era of big Internet

It is worth mentioning that in August 2005, the Ministry of Public Security summarized the construction experience of four safe city construction pilot areas and city monitoring and alarm networking systems in Xuanwu District of Beijing, Hangzhou of Zhejiang Province, Suzhou of Jiangsu Province and Jinan of Shandong Province. On the basis of this, the opinions of the “Pilot Project of Urban Alarm and Monitoring System” were put forward, and 22 cities in the country were identified as the first-level pilots. The qualified cities and towns identified one county as a secondary pilot, and the qualified counties and districts were determined. One block or community as a three-level pilot (referred to as “3111 Project”), and it is recommended to build a city-wide monitoring and alarming alarm networking system at the provincial, city, and county levels nationwide.

In September 2006, the national city monitoring and alarming alarm networking system standard system passed the expert demonstration and began the standard preparation work, corresponding to the first national public security industry standard - "General Technical Requirements for Urban Monitoring and Alarm Networking System" (GA/T) 669-2006) was officially released on December 14 of the same year and officially implemented on January 1, 2007. Subsequently, 14 of the 18 sub-standards such as technical standards, management standards and conformity assessment standards for urban surveillance alarm networking systems were released (GA/T 669.x series, GA/T 792.x series and GA, respectively). /T 793.x series), marking the national urban monitoring and alarm system into the era of big Internet, which also means that security monitoring systems have begun to enter the digital and network era. In particular, in December 2011, the National Standards Committee officially issued the national standard "Technical Requirements for Information Transmission, Exchange, and Control of Security and Video Surveillance Networking Systems" (GB/T 28181-2011), which was officially implemented on June 1, 2012. It regulates the construction of safe cities and smart cities across the country.

In February and June 2012, the Ministry of Public Security issued two guiding documents, “National Public Security Organs Video Image Information Integration and Sharing Tasks” and “National Public Security Organs Image Information Networking Overall Technical Plan”, which further emphasized and refined. The construction of a national video surveillance networking system.

Analog monitoring system fades out, IP era is coming

With the comprehensive development of the construction of a safe city, the national security market has also entered a stage of rapid development, and market share has rapidly increased. According to the “12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) Development Plan of China's Security Industry” issued in February 2011, in 2010, the national security enterprises reached 25,000, and the number of employees was about 1.2 million; the total output value of the industry It has reached more than 230 billion yuan, of which the output value of security products is about 100 billion yuan, and the market for security engineering and services is about 130 billion yuan. By 2015, the total output value of the national security industry will reach 500 billion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of about 20%.

According to the program review and project acceptance of many safe city construction projects that the author participated in, the new system has adopted digital solutions without exception, and the proportion of high-definition IPC is increasing. Some IPCs have embedded intelligent video analysis. Function, among which Hikvision's IPC has realized 10 kinds of intelligent video analysis functions such as behavior detection, 4 kinds of anomaly detection, 2 kinds of feature recognition and 1 statistical analysis, which satisfies as much as possible in 2013. The basic requirements of the national standard "Technical Requirements for Security Monitoring Video Real-Time Intelligent Analysis Equipment" (GB/T 30147-2013) released on December 17. Although some of the early-built analog systems (cameras) can access the network through digital devices such as DVR/DVS in the old-fashioned principle, they are already non-mainstream and will gradually fade out of the market over time.

Considering the video surveillance network and in-depth application for the purpose of the "Public Security Video Image Information Networking and Application Standard System Table" was established in December 2013 at the Sixth Committee of the National Security and Alarm System Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC100). During the first session of the 6th session of the cum, it was examined and approved by experts, and then officially released by the Ministry of Public Security. In October 2014, the standard preparation work was started based on the “Public Security Video Image Information Networking and Application Standard System Table” (GA/Z 1164-2014). Held in Beijing, it indicates that the new video surveillance networking and in-depth application will further promote the construction of safe cities and smart cities across the country.

Hikvision is closely related to the development of “Digitalization, Networking, High-definition and Intelligentization” of security. The national tour exhibition with the theme of “overtaking the simulation and detonating the IP era” will surely achieve great success.

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