Buy audio to judge some knowledge you need to know through music

Speakers are the most difficult to buy in audio and AV equipment. The reason is that there are many brands, which often makes people feel at a loss. However, the speaker can completely judge the pros and cons by playing music, and choose a good speaker that is satisfactory.

Tonal natural balance

The vocals and instrumental sounds reproduced by the speakers should be as close as possible to the original sound and not too distorted. The sounds heard should be smooth and silent, and there should be no strong and too weak sounds (peaks and valleys), medium and high frequencies. Should be too loud or squatting and can't open. You can find some instrumental music (such as piano music) with a wide frequency range to record, and pay attention to the changes of the sound when listening to low, medium and high scales.

Sound characteristics

1, frequency balance

You can listen to the sounds of different frequency bands in turn. The bass you hear should be compact, clear, and the tone is exact, not creaking, not dragging or confusing; while the mid-range segment as the main part of the music is more important, the vocals and instrumental sounds should be natural and detailed. Do not over-sound or sullen, nor too bright or too light, high-pitched should be open, airy and extensible, no screaming or fading.

2, the resolution

Listen carefully to the details of the music, such as the decline of arpeggios or piano sounds, the hall sounds in a concert hall or jazz club. If the details of the low level are not clear enough, the speaker lacks transparency. This is also the difference between a good speaker and a lame speaker.

3. Transient response

The speaker should be able to reproduce the transients in the music. The sound response when striking a string drum or dialing a guitar is strong and sounds exact, and it cannot be "surprised", "excited" or "slowly swallowed" and has a "slow" feeling. In addition, the sounds of natural decline, such as the "tailing" of voices and voices, should gradually decay and should not stop.

4, dynamic range

The sound reproduction should be compared to the low and high dynamics. Ideally, the speaker should be able to be continuously replayed from the lowest sound to the strongest orchestral, without some inability to hear the silent part or the loud passage.

5, sound positioning and sound field (stereo)

Listen to the positioning of the sound image. Note whether the instrumental music or vocals are sent from the sound field of the space, provided that the speakers have the correct position in the room. You can find some monophonic sound recordings to audition, and you can also focus on other performances of the speakers. The sound-located speakers will “disappear” in the sound field, so that the listener can’t feel the beautiful melodious music from the pair of speakers in front. The music is coming, the singer seems to be standing in front. Somewhere in the middle position, it is screaming.

6, scattering characteristics

Go to different locations in the room to listen. You can sit and stand to check the sound scattering in the vertical plane. At this point, the treble that is heard will inevitably change a lot. Some speakers have an "emperor" position that is only in a narrow range, while some speakers have good sound image localization over a wide range.

Acoustic staining

Some speakers have the drawback of "sounding" or sound reproduction, and they are imposed on the music being played back. Such as harsh sounds due to poor cabinet design, metal high-pitched sound, rough or uneven mid-range. If you can hear such a sound regardless of which recording is being played, then you can be sure that the speaker has added the inherent sound of the sound to the top of the playback music. Usually, it is better to miss some sounds during playback than to add some original sounds in the music. Some speakers intentionally add sound, such as aggravating some of the bass and making the treble brighter, although at first glance, such a speaker seems to be good, but after a long time, it will become bored and even fatigue, such a speaker will not Worth buying.

Speaker's sound environment

If you listen to the speaker in an improperly placed audio store, you will not be able to hear the full performance of the speaker. Since the speaker is placed indoors, it is very important to move the speaker a little centimeters forward or backward. The low frequency response of the speaker changes greatly. When you place the speakers in a room that enhances or weakens the bass, the balance of the tones changes, or you can hear rich bass or no bass. Moreover, the speaker is not properly placed, and it is not as good as the sound image positioning that should have been. It is not unfortunate that some audio stores have to place the sounds in rows and rows on the wall because of the small size of the store, so that the performance of the speakers cannot be fully utilized. What's more, even if the speakers are placed correctly in the store, they are still quite different from the listening environment in their own home. Therefore, you should find the right place for the speaker at home, so that the speaker can fully display its power and show its talents. Try it, leave it right, if it's not suitable, return it or change it again. It's best. Welcome to China Home Theater Network

Listen to familiar music

Since the sound quality of CD recordings is very different, there are many times. Therefore, when you listen to and listen to speakers in the audio store, it is best to bring a few CDs that you usually read well. In this way, it can be heard at the time of playback which are originally recorded on the CD recording, and which are unique to the speaker. Also, try different types of sound recordings to compare the difference between the instrumental sound and the human voice and the real sound.

Pay attention to coordination match

The speakers also have to be coordinated and matched to the listening room, audio equipment and listening hobbies. If the room is small, it is not appropriate to have a large floor-standing speaker. Because it will make the room too loud and the bass will not be released. Conversely, if it is a large room, then using a pair of small speakers will feel the lack of strength, and the sound is not good.

The power amplifier of the tuner should be "powerful". The sensitivity of the speaker in dB is an indicator of this aspect. The higher the sensitivity, the louder the speaker will be when given the input power. However, sensitivity is only one aspect. The power output of the power amplifier, the size of the room, and how much volume you usually use to listen to music are also important factors. Generally speaking, when listening to music, the average output of the amplifier can be 10W, and for most home theaters, the amplifier can have 40-100W per channel (not counting the subwoofer channel). The power is enough.

As for the matching of speakers with other audio equipment, there is also a requirement for "door-to-door". If the original selected audio equipment is relatively high-grade, such as Hi-Fi audio equipment of 10,000 yuan or tens of thousands of dollars, it is necessary and necessary to spend thousands or even 20,000 yuan to buy speakers. If the original audio equipment is only general equipment, then with high-end speakers can only be the dice lighting - white fee wax.

Heavy weight

First of all, we should talk about the sound quality. Everyone knows that the bass is hard to find. Therefore, it should be more important and not heavy, and it would be better to be less. Too many basses with distortions seem to be very enjoyable for people who don't know how to do it, but the experts are disdainful, because they will be tired and prone to fatigue. Therefore, such a speaker can not be bought.

Let me talk about the specific speakers. It should be borne in mind that the speakers are not as expensive as possible, and the bigger the better, the better. Some small speakers that are carefully designed and made, due to the built-in high-quality speaker unit and device, have lower performance than some built-in low-end units. The behemoth speakers are better. The small speaker is similar to the "point sound source", and the sound image positioning is more accurate, which is more suitable for use in a small or small listening room.

In addition to the most common electric speakers, there are other types of speakers, each with its own characteristics, such as High-End flat-panel magnetic speakers, electrostatic speakers, band speakers and mixed-design speakers.

Don't worry, but would rather spend more time

Usually, you can't eat fat, you can't worry about choosing a speaker. It's almost impossible to judge the sound of a pair of speakers in 3-5 minutes. It takes a lot of time to use a wide range of music to listen to as many different speakers as possible. It is both informative and has increased the level of listening and commenting, which is good for choosing a good speaker. Bring a lady or invite a friend to listen, and it’s not a bad idea to come up with ideas, but you can’t listen to others without your own opinions.

Compare at the same volume

Psychoacoustics shows that when people are listening to a speaker, most of them will mistakenly think that the louder speaker is a good speaker. Therefore, the test specifies that the comparison should be made at the same acoustic level. When listening to the audio store, you should also compare the sound level as much as possible, and even buy a sound pressure level meter to test if necessary. This kind of watch is a useful tool and will come in handy when debugging a complete set of speakers for home theater.

I only buy it when I am obsessed.

It is difficult to find a pair of bass feet, good sound image positioning, and sound reproduction effects, but it can still be done. I believe that according to the above terms, you will find such a speaker. The question is, is this really a speaker to buy? Have you used it for music for a long time? Be calm, keep in mind that only the speakers that really touch you, can excite you, let you listen to your heartbeat and make you fascinated, let you forget where the speakers are when listening to music and only have wonderful music. The fairy speaker is the speaker you should buy. Welcome to China Home Theater Network

A good speaker is more than just a good sound reproduction. The more important function is to pass all the energy and enthusiasm in music and movie music to you, so that your heart can stir up and let you fully experience and feel it. For the joy of music, you should buy this same pair of references: the Internet judges the sound system's advantages and disadvantages, you should first observe the acoustic environment, put it in a position that is conducive to its performance: open the speaker At a certain distance, the listener and the two speakers are equilateral triangles, and the speaker should have a distance of more than 1 meter from the rear wall and the side wall. Put the left and right channel balance buttons in the middle position, turn off the frequency equalization and sound effect processing functions of the general equipment. If there is a straight through function on the power amplifier, select the through state. Welcome to the China Home Theater Network to turn on the volume knob from small to large until it reaches the maximum, and listen to its noise under static conditions. Then, put on a CD that you have already listened to on a variety of equipment, slowly turn on the volume, close your eyes and feel the sound position is fixed, whether the left and right channel sounds are consistent, and the volume is balanced. By moving left and right, judge the corresponding characteristics of the system, increase the volume until the ear just does not feel uncomfortable, select the drum sound and cello in the software to feel the expressive power of the bass, to see if it is thick and powerful, not turbid, not light, put Open and close, flexible, not dragged - if the volume is too small, it makes people feel short and short, it means that the bass is too heavy; use the vocal to judge the performance of the midrange, the level should be clear, neither suppress nor Rendering, rich and rich, full of timbre; using the sound of overtones and violins to judge the treble of the equipment, it is better to be smooth, bright, transparent and accurate. There should be no noisy feeling; use percussion music ( Such as breaking glass, etc.) to listen to its transient, dynamic, and damping characteristics; use symphony to judge whether its sound field has a level, whether the momentum is grand and whether the overall frequency response is balanced, and there should be no special high-frequency low-frequency segment to cover up other The feeling of the frequency band, listening to its sense of depth and the sense of the scene, listening to fast-paced, large dynamic music sections will be chaotic; listening to system distortion with loud volume
One thing to be aware of when listening to music is that the influence of the listening room is extremely important. Often, a set of sounds is excellent in the listening room, but it is not a taste in the home, so evaluate the audio equipment and consider different listening rooms. Impact.
The sound quality of the speaker is related to the knowledge of acoustics, music, electroacoustics, etc. It needs to have a certain purpose for listening. It is impossible to say clearly in one word and two words. It is best to have experience when buying and selling audio. People help audition.


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