LED lamps have safety hazard glass tubes or solutions

The boy touched the LED traffic light signal pole and was in danger. The two construction workers of the LED lighting renovation project were electrocuted and the electric shock caused by LED lighting products continued to appear in the newspapers. Since last year, Philips Lighting and the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalled about 99000 LED lighting products due to the “risk of electric shock caused by power-on”, this year the European Commission has “one may cause electric shock to users”. LED lights produced in China have been withdrawn from the market. The potential power safety issues of LED lighting products have aroused widespread concern in all walks of life.

LED lamp electric shock hazard due to lax safety standards <br> <br> domestic largely promoted the development of the industry, but also to many blind pursuit of low-cost business advantage of the loophole.

Not long ago, in the list of unqualified products of the 2014 embedded lighting quality supervision and inspection published by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision, even the LED lamps of such well-known brands as NVC have also suffered from “serious quality problems” such as unqualified protection against electric shock. On the list.

So, what causes LED flashlights to have frequent electric shock hazards? To put it bluntly, it is the production company to save costs. Most of the LED tubes currently on the market are made of PC plastic and aluminum, of which 1/3 to 1/2 are aluminum. In order to save costs, most domestic enterprises use non-isolated power supplies. The high-voltage part is directly connected to the metal casing, and only the resin layer of the aluminum substrate is used as the insulating material, which naturally causes great safety hazards. ”

Because lighting fixtures are difficult to achieve 100% complete leakage in structural design, in Europe and the United States where safety regulations are more stringent, high-voltage tests of lamps above 2000V are required to ensure that leakage risks are controlled within a certain range. . In order to be able to pass safety certification, manufacturers generally use isolated power supplies. For the domestic market with huge price pressure, the cost of the isolated power supply is 1-2 dollars higher than that of the non-isolated power supply, which accounts for almost half of the price of the finished lamp. Therefore, many domestic enterprises choose to use low-end aluminum-plastic structural lamps. Non-isolated power supplies for cost savings. However, such products sold in the domestic market are difficult to pass the safety certification of European and American countries.

In addition, the current LED lamps use a large amount of organic materials, which generate harmful smoke when burned, and become a fatal safety hazard in the event of a fire. In contrast, in public places such as subways in developed countries, not only most of the wires need to be iron pipes, but also the non-combustible materials are used as much as possible to ensure the safety under extreme conditions.

It is undeniable that the less stringent domestic safety standards have greatly promoted the development of the industry, but it has also made many companies that are pursuing low-cost pursuits vacant. There are standards that are designed according to minimum standards. Free to play.

To solve the glass tube or glass tube Road <br> <br> highly insulating and thermally conductive itself, even if a non-isolated power supply, but also to ensure safety.

In addition to aluminum-plastic tubes, LED tubes also have a technical route for glass. The reporter learned from the Secretariat of China Lighting Association that the traditional incandescent lamp manufacturer represented by Foshan Lighting used the original glass equipment and technology to produce some LED lighting products for glass tubes, and the new one represented by Mulinsen LED lighting companies mainly use PC plastic lamps.

Glass tube has higher transmittance than PC plastic, and it is easier to achieve high light efficiency, but it is also easy to cause glare and other discomfort; when it encounters fire, glass will not produce toxic gas like non-flame retardant PC plastic, but glass is because It is fragile and brings a series of problems. Each has its own benefits, the key depends on the application.

In fact, compared to aluminum-plastic tubes, the biggest feature of glass tubes is their high safety. Because they are highly insulated and thermally conductive, they are safe even when using non-isolated power supplies. At the same time, the glass tube is fireproof and will not be deformed at high temperatures.

After the unremitting efforts and innovation of domestic enterprises in the near future, the technical indicators of glass lamps have made great progress, and the advantages compared with the general pipes are more distinct. In addition to good safety, it can pass CE, UL and other certifications with low cost and effective technical solutions to facilitate product export. First, the transmittance of glass is higher than that of PC plastic, and the thermal stability is excellent, and the glass tube is excellent. 360 degrees are in contact with air, uniform heat dissipation; second, the glass tube will not turn yellow for a long time, more resistant to dirt, corrosion, and more durable; third, the cost of transparent glass tube is much lower than "semi-plastic semi-aluminum "The tube, even in order to prevent glare, plus the cost of the inner surface of the glass tube through the process of sanding, spraying or corrosion, the cost of the glass tube has a great advantage; fourth, compared to aluminum, PC plastic, glass products are more environmentally friendly. . The carbon emission in the overall production process of the glass tube is only about 1/2 of that of the aluminum-plastic tube, and the anodization of the aluminum has the problem of contamination of the wastewater. In this way, the glass tube is more in line with the green concept of LED; fifth, compared with the traditional fluorescent tube, the glass tube has great similarity, which is in line with the visual habits of most people.

Although it is difficult to say whether the glass tube can completely replace the aluminum-plastic tube, it has become a popular trend to replace the traditional tube and the aluminum-plastic LED tube with a glass LED tube.

Lamp still needed to improve security solutions <br> <br> many businesses use LED glass lamp they only good heat dissipation, low cost, can not avoid the problem of glass breakage and flying.

The old account is cancelled and the new account is started again. The glass lamp has relieved safety hazards such as electric shock and fire, but new problems have come. At present, LED glass tubes used by many companies only have good heat dissipation and low cost, and there is no problem to avoid glass cracking and splashing. UL certified drop test.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued a notice on the “Two-Year Action Plan for Engineering Quality Governance”, in which the quality and safety responsibility of the project unit project leader was clearly defined and pursued in the form of a lifetime responsibility commitment. The majority of LED lighting products production and installation companies must pay great attention to this, security issues have no longer allowed us to be sloppy.

The industry urgently needs LED glass tube anti-splash solution. In the process of promoting the replacement and replacement of LED glass tubes, we expect domestic benchmark lighting companies and multinational companies to adhere to the non-discriminatory standards for global market development, production and sales to jointly solve the safety of LED tubes. problem. At present, some companies have obtained UL certificates through patent coating and structural optimization, which may set off the trend of returning to glass lamps in the international market, because safety, environmental protection and low cost are the value of mature markets.

It is hoped that the competent department or industry organization will take the lead to establish and improve the green safety assessment and testing system and standards for LED lighting products as soon as possible. At the same time, we will establish a sound system and process in quality assurance, after-sales service and recycling of used lamps.

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