Will iOS 8 become a paving stone for smart watches?

Lin Gao, CEO of Bei Gaozhi, said that in the case of smart watches, the key reason for the market to break out due to factors such as function and appearance is, what can be called a smart watch?

At this stage, the lack of associations in the world to set standards, and no major manufacturers to take the lead, the market products are mixed, is the core key to restrict the development of smart watches. Therefore, the launch of Apple iWatch undoubtedly puts a strong shot on the industry.

Recently, at the World Developers Conference (WWDC), I did not see the trace of iWatch, it seems that Apple is not ready to announce this product in the short term. However, the US "Time" magazine issued a document that Apple's iOS 8, the foundation for the first-class wearable device platform, has added some raw materials to compete with companies such as Google and Samsung.

Interactive notifications are one of the most important new features in iOS 8, making it easy for users to respond directly to email, scheduling, social networking information, and more without having to open them.

That's right, this is indeed one of the many features that Apple has borrowed from Android, and since dynamic notification itself is at the heart of Google's Android Wear wearable platform, it's no coincidence. Instead of displaying static information on your wrist, Android Wear puts your phone in your pocket and interacts with relevant information through a smart watch.

Interactive notifications are not the only feature in iOS 8 that is suitable for smartwatch use. Apple also improved the Siri with streaming sounds, allowing users to speak while confirming what they said. Siri will also support more languages ​​and can be activated with the "Hey, Siri." voice command.

Siri can also control home automation products through HomeKit, which is significant for wearable devices. People definitely don't want to take out their phone or tablet just to adjust the room temperature or brightness.

In addition to this, there are Health and HealthKit, both of which allow users to track all of their health tracking applications. Is it not very convenient to be able to keep track of your health data while you are on the gym without having to hang your iPhone on your arm?

iWatch is not invulnerable, it still has to overcome many hardware issues, including battery efficiency, design and pricing. In addition, I also hope that it can be improved in software, such as supporting third-party applications with Siri.

But Apple has never been easily seen, and often designs a full range of products from start to finish. In hindsight, when the company developed iOS for the iPhone, it already laid the foundation for the iPad a few years later. iOS 8 is coming, will iWatch be far behind?

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